If you wish to create your own quizzes and assign them to your users, Click on Assess in your navigation toolbar.
Click on theQuizzes button to view a list of all quizzes that are available to you and your users, their Category, the number of users' Enrollments and the Enrollments Completion.
1. Search Bar
To search for any specific quiz, use theSearch Bar and enter the name of the quiz you are looking for.
2. Creating A New Quiz
To customize and create a new quiz, click on Add in the upper right corner and follow the below steps to perform this action successfully:
- Enter the quiz Name
- Provide a Description for the quiz you are creating
- Apply a Passing Score for the quiz
- Select the maximum number of attempts
- Check the box of Users can navigate in questions forwards and backwards freely to enable the user to skip to the next question or go back to the previous question without providing a final answer.
- Check the box of Questions will be corrected individually one at a time to reveal the score after each question is answered rather than waiting for the end of the quiz.
- Check the box of Show users the evaluation of questions to reveal if the user answered correctly or not.
- Click Add Version to add English or Arabic content.
- Click Remove to delete a language version.
- Click Save to publish the quiz or Cancel to discard your data.
Note: Quizzes must have at least one language version (English or Arabic).
3. Quiz Page
Click on any quiz to open the quiz page where you can Edit it, and view three tabs, Item Details, Questions, and Enrollments.
3.1 Edit
Click Edit to change the quiz details including its description, passing score, the maximum number of attempts, method of user navigation of the quiz, and correction preferences.
Click Update to reflect the changes you made.
- Click Cancel to discard changes and exit the tab.
3.2 Item Details
View the quiz's Description, Objectives, Questions, Minimum Score, Tags, and Learning Progress status (completed, incomplete, or overdue).
3.2 Questions
- Choose the language version you want to edit (English or Arabic)
- Click on Import to upload your quiz content.
- Click on Download Template to see an example of how the data should be organized in your excel sheet.
- Click on Choose File to upload your quiz content to the platform.
- Click Add to select the types of questions you want to add to your quiz (Multiple Choice, True or False, or Fill in the Blank):
- Click
Expand to edit the question title and the set of answers.
- Click
Add Image to add an image to the selected question.
- Click
Delete to delete the question.
- Click Save to reflect all the changes you made.
- If you selected the question to be a multiple choice, toggle on
Choices Are Randomized switch to make the answers appear in a random arrangement for every quiz taker. Toggle it off, if you would like the choices to appear in the same order entered for all quiz takers.
- Click
3.3 Enrollments
Here, you can view all users enrolled in the quiz you selected with other information like Status, Score, Assigned At, Due Date, and Completed At.
- Use the
Search Bar to search enrollments.
Filter enrollments using the Team and Job Role filters.
Actions to perform the following actions:
Enroll Users to enroll one or more users to the quiz.
Update Due Date to change the due date of the quiz.
Export to download an excel sheet of all enrollments.
Click the
Options Menu to perform these actions:
View Attempts: to see a list of all quiz attempts of this user.
Delete: to remove the user from the enrollments list.
Note: you can Allow user to retry the last attempt from the View Attempts popup.
4. More Quiz Actions
Click on theOptions Menu next to any quiz to perform the following actions:
Click Preview to be presented with what your user will see when attempting the selected quiz.
Click Edit to revise general information pertaining to the selected quiz, then click Update to save changes or Cancel to discard changes and exit the tap. you'll be able to edit:
The description
Passing score, you wish your users to achieve
The number of maximum attempts each user is allowed
Method of user navigation of the quiz
Correction preferences
Click Enroll Users to assign users to this quiz following these steps:
Turn on the Mandatory Enrollment switch if the quiz is compulsory and turn it off if it’s optional.
Select the quiz Due Date by which the users are required to complete the quiz.
Click Select All to enroll all your users to the chosen quiz or select particular users you wish to assign the quiz to from the list by checking the box next to their name.
Use the
Search Bar and enter the name of the user or Filter the list of users by Team and Job Role.
Click Enroll to complete the enrollment action successfully and for the users to get notified about being assigned to a new quiz.
Click Cancel to exit the enrolling popup.